Master in Neuropsychology

Course Presentation

Aimed specifically at graduates in psychology, the program aims to prepare for the independent professional practice as a psychologist. It is a differentiated training that prepares students to work in the field of Neuropsychology, taking into consideration the legal standard of access to Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses, predicted by Law 57/2008 of 4 September as well as the recommendations contained in the European Diploma in Psychology/European Framework for Psychologists ´training.The objective of facilitating the integration of students in working settings, at the curricular level is reflected mainly in the curricular units that integrate the specific theme of Neuropsychology particularly the internship. Other UC ensure the acquisition of academic research/research skills, based on the deepening of knowledge and research skills, including the master thesis.


Key Learning Outcomes

At the end of the master the student should have acquired/developed:
-Detailed bases for the study and understanding of the relationships between brain and behavior.
- Knowledge of Neuropsychological theory, syndromes, neuropsychological tests, neuroanatomy, neurological disorders and brain damage and deficit, etc. (English)
- Knowledge and consultation skills, neuropsychological assessment and intervention, relevant to clinical practice.
-Knowledge and research skills at the level of a 2nd cycle, within neuropsychology
-Ability to problematize and conceptual and methodological solutions for a better understanding of the relationship between brain function and cognitive functions.
-Searching skills and reading scientific literature and development of a global framework of understanding the relationships between brain and behavior, allowing them to integrate new information, within an area in constant update.


Programme structure

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Working Hours & Contacts


10:30h to 17:30h



Phone: +351 218 811 700

Fax: +351 218 860 954
