1st year | 1st Semester | |
Functional Neuroanatomy and Nervous System Pathology | 7,5 ECTS |
Cognitive Neurosciences | 4,5 ECTS |
Neurobiology and Behavioural Genetics | 4,5 ECTS |
Clinical Neuropsychology I | 4,5 ECTS |
Behavioural Research Methods | 3 ECTS |
Optional 1 | 3 ECTS |
1st year | 2nd Semester |
Neuropsychological Intervention and Rehabilitation | 7,5 ECTS |
Neuropsychological Assessment |
7.5 ECTS |
Clinical Neuropsychology II | 6 ECTS |
Experimental Methodology and Data Analysis | 6 ECTS |
Seminário de Projeto | 3 ECTS |
Optional Curricular Units | 1st Semester | |
Thematic Seminar in Psychological Sciences | 3 ECTS |
Advanced Subjects in Social Neuroscience | 3 ECTS |
Computer Programming in Neuropsychology | 3 ECTS |
2nd Year | 3rd and 4th Semester | |
Internship | 30 ECTS |
Thesis | 30 ECTS |
10:30h to 17:30h
Phone: +351 218 811 700
Fax: +351 218 860 954
E-mail: international@ispa.pt