Programme structure - Master in Psychoanalytic Clinical Psychology

1st year | 1st Semester
Methods and Techniques of Observation, Interview and Evaluation 6 ECTS
Models in Psychoanalysis: Theory and Clinic 6 ECTS
Psychoanalytic Psychopathology of Children and Adolescents 6 ECTS
Psychoanalytic Psychopathology of Adults and Elderly People 6 ECTS
Optional 1 3 ECTS
Optional 2 3 ECTS
1st year | 2nd Semester
Case Study 6 ECTS
Foundation and Theory of Technique in Psychoanalytic Clinical Psychology 6 ECTS
Psychoanalytic Intervention in Families, Groups and Organizations 6 ECTS
Methods of Research in Psychoanalytic Clinical Psychology                                          6 ECTS
Optional 3 3 ECTS
Optional 4                                                                                                                     3 ECTS


Optional Curricular Units | 1st and 2nd Semester
Early Intervention            3 ECTS
Developmental Perspectives on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity 3 ECTS
Developmental Disorders 3 ECTS
Family and Couple Psychotherapy 3 ECTS
Sexual Health 3 ECTS
Clinical Seminar I 3 ECTS
Theory and Technique of Psychodrama 3 ECTS
Gender Violence, Female Crime and Justice 3 ECTS
Family (Dys)functionalities and Risk Behaviors in Adolescence 3 ECTS
Clinical Seminar II 3 ECTS

Other optional courses available at ISPA Masters in Psychology selected annually by the CC



2nd Year | 3rd and 4th Semester
Internship                                               30 ECTS
Thesis                                                                                                                                        30 ECTS

Working Hours & Contacts


10:30h to 17:30h



Phone: +351 218 811 700

Fax: +351 218 860 954
