Course Presentation
The 3rd Cycle in Psychology has 13 areas of specialization: Cognitive Psychology, Development Psychology, Educational Psychology, Social Psychology, Organizational Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Health Psychology, Community Psychology and Psychobiology. Each of these specialization areas has 180 ECTS and duration of 6 semesters.
Key Learning Outcomes
The 3rd Cycle in Psychology aims the deepening of the models, theories and methods of Psychology in its several specialization areas, as well as the development of skills that allow the production of research that expand the knowledge in Psychology in its several specialization areas.
The students should acquire the following skills:
To be able to, in an extended way, understand and reflect upon:
- Theories and methods in Psychology and in one of its specialization areas in particular;
- Methods in Psychology;
- Data analysis techniques;
To be able to critically analyse, assess and synthesise new and complex ideas;
To be able to create, project, adapt and implement scientific research, in one of Psychology’ specialization areas, according to the proper scientific ethical principles;
To be able to communicate, in a clear way, both to specialists and non-specialists, the main theoretical and methodological constructs as well as the conclusions of a research work;
To be able to promote scientific, social and cultural progress in the academy as well as in other contexts.
Programme structure
10:30h to 17:30h
Phone: +351 218 811 700
Fax: +351 218 860 954