Course Presentation
The overall goal of the Behavioural Biology Doctoral Program is to to provide advanced studies in the theories, study methods and analysis of the main areas of Behavioural Biology, in which ISPA has established competences of excellence, namely: behavioural neuroendocrinology; ontogeny of behaviour; behavioural ecology and conservation; behaviour as a factor in evolution; and animal welfare and behaviour. This study cycle provides the development of competencies for deepening theoretical knowledge and critical analysis in Behavioural Biology, the learning of advanced study techniques both in the laboratory and in the field and the accomplishment of original research works to be presented as scientific papers or posters, in oral presentations at scientific meetings or in meetings with decision makers, managers or funders of science. MARE obtained the grading of Excellent in the last evaluation of FCT and supports this study cycle integrating its PhD members in the curricular units of the course.
Key Learning Outcomes
The students should acquire the following skills:
1. Understand and integrate in a proficient manner the main theories of modern Biology and use in a professional and competent way the main methods and
techniques, in particular those which refer to Behavioural Biology.
2. Master the advanced statistical analysis of ecological, evolution, behaviour and genetic data and the interpretation of the results obtained.
3. Design, project, adapt and execute scientific research in Behavioural Biology, following the ethical principles underlining the research process and the use of
animals in research.
4. Communicate in a clear and professional way to diverse audiences from scientists, to different members of the academic community, decision makers, managers
and the general public, the conclusion of the research as well as its theoretical and methodological assumptions.
5. Transmit and promote scientific knowledge and its integration in the social and cultural context.
Programme structure
10:30h to 17:30h
Phone: +351 218 811 700
Fax: +351 218 860 954