Course Presentation
The master's degree aims to accomplish the following objectives:
1.To prepare professionals for the practice of psychology in a forensic context (according to legal requirements of the Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses (Portuguese Psychologist’s Association), Law 57/2008 of 4th September, deepening prior knowledge obtained in the first cycle of studies in psychology (or its legal equivalent);
2.To develop assessment and intervention psychological skills in the forensic context, providing an outstanding education and training, and developing a set of human, technical and scientific skills, as well as ethical principles that allow an integrated intervention in the juridical and social field;
3.To develop skills that allow lifelong learning, namely through research, review and interpretation of scientific literature/production;
4.To prepare a new generation of researchers with the aid of forensic psychology research methods and training in the emerging issues faced by forensic psychologists.
Key Learning Outcomes
The Master has the following learning objectives:
1. Knowledge and skills on psychological evaluation in forensic context, concerning children, adolescents and adults, namely knowledge derived from the application and interpretation of psychological evaluation and writing outcomes and of psychological reports.
2. Knowledge and planning skills, selection and application of psychological interventions in various forensic contexts (e.g., offenders and victims)
3. Knowledge on research methods in the context of forensic psychology appropriate for a 2nd cycle of studies which enables students to begin a 3rd cycle of studies in forensic psychology.
4. Theoretical and multidisciplinary knowledge in the context of forensic psychology (e.g. Law, Research Methodologies, Psychopathology).
5. Research skills and scientific and technical bibliography review within the scope of forensic psychology.
Programme structure
10:30h to 17:30h
Phone: +351 218 811 700
Fax: +351 218 860 954