Course Presentation
The degree in Cognitive and Behavioural Sciences combines basic training in the area of behavioural research with the acquisition of research and data analysis skills. This is an innovative proposal, which addresses basic and specialization skills in an emerging area of training that responds to the professional challenges of the 21st century: the area of research and analysis of behavioural data.
The knowledge generated by the cognitive sciences and the analytical and methodological skills that underpin a scientific approach are the basic skills of the behavioural researcher.
The training provided by this degree supports specializations (postgraduate and 2nd cycles) in various areas of research (e.g. Neuroscience, Biology, Psychology, Linguistics) and application (e.g. Marketing, Information Management, Health) as well as direct integration in the labour market, namely in the business field, as Uxresearcher and Data scientist.
Key Learning Outcomes
This degree provides an integrated knowledge, fundamental for professionals who in different areas of study and intervention need to describe and/or understand human behaviour.
It is intended that students:
- Acquire interdisciplinary knowledge that supports a valid and thorough understanding of behavioural data collecting and interpretation. Knowledge of neuronal, cognitive, affective and behavioural processes will be accompanied by the development of various methodological, computational and data analysis skills;
- Have the ability to critically reflect on the validity of data and their interpretations, in compliance with the ethical requirements of cognitive and behavioural sciences, aiming at the correct social, political and community management of the human factor;
- Develop organizational, teamwork, interpersonal relationships and communication skills;
- Develop learning skills that allow the progression of studies with a high degree of autonomy.
Programme structure
10:30h to 17:30h
Phone: +351 218 811 700
Fax: +351 218 860 954