Degree in Biology

Course Presentation

As the influence of biology in contemporary societies is increasingly present in multiple aspects, the acquisition of a basic solid theoretical knowledge is central to the formation of Biologists. This Course reflects this concern by providing a broad theoretical framework in key areas of biology. The faculty is specialized in multiple areas of biology and is integrated in the MARE Research Unit. This Research Unit of Marine Sciences, which was rated highest (Excellent) in the latest assessment of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), stands out on the national scene for its work in marine biology, conservation biology, behavioral endocrinology, and genetics applied to the research of evolution and animal behavior. The course also has the support of the Center for Biosciences whose activity is directed towards the provision of services, education and training in Biology at various levels.


Key Learning Outcomes

The key learning outcomes are the following:

  • Acquire a holistic vision about the diversity of life forms and their patterns of organization;
  • Understand the physical-chemical processes essential to the organization of life matter, the specificity of its thermodynamics, the essential aspects of the molecular architecture and the basis of organization and functioning of genetic processes;
  • Recognize the basic evolutionary processes, key to comprehend the origin of biodiversity and the nature of adaptation processes;
  • Understand micro and macroevolutionary patterns and processes, through the full integration of fossil records, molecular, embryonic and morphological data and phylogenetic analysis;
  • Integrate the biology of individuals in the communities to which they belong and in the framework of their relations with the environment through autoecological and synecological approaches;
  • Understand the mechanism operating on ecosystems both at the energetic level and nutrient circulation;
  • Acquire and evaluate with criticism the main current hypothesis about the processes involved in ecosystem structuring, stability and transformation;
  • Recognize the main terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, being able to apply ecological principles to the evaluation of anthropogenic impacts and nature conservation tasks;
  • Link the ecology of marine organisms with the oceanographic processes that control the physical and chemical characteristics of sea water and acquire an holistic view about the different types of marine communities and the specific methods employed in marine biology studies;
  • Understand the basic functional mechanisms of organisms and their structuring modes in plants and animals and in groups with different levels of complexity;
  • Identify the major processes of energy use and conversion, namely glycolysis, respiration and photosynthesis;
  • Understand the processes on nutrient, water and gases uptake, accumulation and circulation;
  • Build an integrated view on the processes of integration and control of life systems;
  • Be familiar with the most relevant developmental processes in animals and plants integrating, namely, knowledge of the rapidly expanding area of developmental genetics and capture the implications of the current developments on developmental biology to the study of evolution;
  • Recognize the basis for the scientific study of animal behaviour, the key role of behaviour on the relationship between animals and their environment and the neurophysiologic basis of behaviour;
  • Critically discuss the ethical problems in Biology both when practicing the profession as well as on use of organisms for scientific research and on the human-environment relationships;
  • Being able to solve problems at different levels when applying the scientific method in Biology in the following issues: data collection and sampling, bibliographic search of available information, logical reasoning in a solid and critical approach on experimental and observational data, hypothesis formulation and their critical evaluation, planning of research processes and communication of results;
  • Understand the building blocks of scientific knowledge and their limits through the direct connection with the main agents of scientific development;


Programme structure

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Working Hours & Contacts


10:30h to 17:30h



Phone: +351 218 811 700

Fax: +351 218 860 954
