Language Policy

ISPA_ERASMUSIn order to prepare participants for mobility and to further develop languages skills, ISPA has established national partnerships with schools of languages to develop in-house language courses. 


In addition, when submitting an application for an international exchange, students are required to convey information on their language knowledge and proficiency. When discrepancies are found between the students’ background and requirements at the host institution, recommendations are made regarding further training and opportunities at the host university are explored.


In line with the provisions provided for the outgoing students, incoming students are also required to convey information on their language knowledge and proficiency. As the official language of all courses is Portuguese, ISPA organizes in-house Portuguese language courses before the beginning of each semester.


According to these guidelines, students are expected to have a proficiency level in Portuguese of at least B1 at the time of registration. Certification in Portuguese language can be achieved either by enrolling in in-house courses or previously to the mobility program.


Working Hours & Contacts


10:30h to 17:30h



Phone: +351 218 811 700

Fax: +351 218 860 954
